NextGen Release Notes

WARNING!  BigCommerce does not have the ability to revert a previous theme version after updating within the control panel. Make a copy of your working theme version before pressing the update button.

  • BigCommerce has rolled out the “Manual Captcha” functionality for the Contact Us page.
    – components/page/contact-us-form.html
    – lang/en.json
    – lang/en-pw.json
    – templates/layout/contact.html
  • We’ve added an option for the color buttons found at the bottom of the Category Listing Page.
    – Schema.json
  • We’ve fixed the Comparison feature issue, now it’s clickable for the List view.
    – scss/nextgen.scss
    – js/theme/global/nextgen/custom.js
  • We’ve fixed the “Fast Checkout buttons” overlapping issue.
    – scss/nextgen.scss
    – js/theme/global/nextgen/custom.js
  • We have fixed the schema issues with the missing field “image”
    – templates/components/page/product-page-no-sidenav.html
    – templates/components/page/product-page-with-recommended-below.html
    – templates/components/page/product-page-with-sidenav.html
    – templates/components/products/product-view.html
    – templates/components/products/reviews.html
  • We have adjusted h1 tags and fixed schema issues for “itemCondition”
    – templates/components/products/schema.html
  • We moved filters above brands on the category page for easier visibility
    – templates/components/custom/category-sidenav.html
    – templates/components/custom/search-results-sidenav.html
    – templates/components/custom/brand-sidenav.html
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • We switched the twitter logo with updated X logo
    – templates/components/common/share.html
    – assets/img/icon-sprite.svg
  • We have fixed the product image cropping issue for the search result flyout.
    – assets\scss\nextgen.scss
  • We have adjusted the amount of characters shown on the home page blog titles
    – assets\scss\nextgen.scss
    – templates\components\blog\post-page.html
    – templates\components\blog\post-post.html
    – assets\js\theme\global\nextgen\custom.js
  • We have fixed the fields in the checkout area not clearing their place holders
    – templates\pages\auth\forgot-password.html
    – assets\scss\nextgen.scss
  • We have added the reCaptcha to the forgot password page
    – templates\pages\auth\forgot-password.html
    – assets\scss\nextgen.scss
  • We have fixed the SKU issue for product options
    – templates/components/page/product-page-no-sidenav.html
    – templates/components/page/product-page-with-recommended-below.html
    – templates/components/page/product-page-with-sidenav.html
    – templates/components/products/product-view.html
  • We have changed product images on the product card center aligned.
    – schema.json
    – assets\scss\nextgen.scss
  • We have changed the label name to Hover Badge Text Color.
    – schema.json
    – assets\scss\nextgen.scss
  • We have changed the homepage carousel title text tag h1 to the p tag.
    – templates\components\carousel-content.html
    – assets\scss\nextgen.scss
  • We have used the h1 tag for the site logo on the homepage.
    – templates\components\common\header.html
    – config.json
  • We have fixed the share icons issue for the product and blog pages.
    – templates\components\common\share.html
    – templates\components\blog\post.html
    – templates\components\blog\post-post.html
    – templates\components\blog\post-page.html
  • [ACTION REQUIRED] Security upgrades to BigCommerce that affect your Stencil theme – We’ve updated the template to support the Node 18 update.
    – config.json
    – package.json
    – webpack.common.js
  • We’ve added new functionality for Google Analytics 4
    – config.json
    – assets/js/theme/catalog.js
    – assets/js/theme/global/quick-search.js
    – assets/js/theme/common/faceted-search
  • We have fixed the grey color icon Amex card issue.
    – nextgen.scss
    – checkout-header.html
  • We have fixed the Shopping cart icon visibility issue on the order confirmation page.
    – nextgen.scss
    – checkout-header.html
  • We fixed the account icons on the order confirmation page
    – nextgen.scss
    – checkout-header.html
  • We’ve added the New Cornerstone Functionality Roll Out – Preload/Early Hints
    – templates/layout/base.html
    – templates/layout/blog-post.html
    – templates/layout/blog.html
    – templates/layout/brand.html
    – templates/layout/brands.html
    – templates/layout/cart.html
    – templates/layout/category.html
    – templates/layout/compare.html
    – templates/layout/contact.html
    – templates/layout/content.html
    – templates/layout/home-layout.html
    – templates/layout/product-new.html
    – templates/layout/search.html
  • We have fixed the “&” sign issue on the product filter menus
    – components/faceted-search/facets/hierarchy-children.html
    – components/faceted-search/facets/hierarchy.html.
  • We have fixed the loading indicator and content page link color customizer options
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
    – config.json
  • We have fixed the “active category color”, “filter links hover color” & “background color” customizer options for the sidebar
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
    – config.json
  • We’ve added color controls for the sidebar button that shows in the filters
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
    – config.json
    – Schema.json
  • We’ve made corrections to the color controls and layout of the blog page Read More button
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
    – config.json
    – Schema.json
  • We have added the schema file to the product page for all stores.
    – templates/pages/product.html
    – components/products/schema.html
  • We have made all card payment fields full-width on the checkout page
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • Notice of Google AMP Deprecation by BigCommerce
    – Config.json
    – templates/pages/checkout.html
    – assets/scss/microapp-checkout.scss
  • We’ve fixed the side navigation hover color settings for the shop by brands menu
    – config.json
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • We’ve corrected the duplicate category listing in the left navigation shop by category menu
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • We’ve fixed the inconsistencies in the blog page posts with and without and an image
    – config.json
    – custom.js
    – nextgen.scss
  • We’ve made changes to the theme editor header controls to allow more flexibility with color changes in the header and main navigation
    – assets\js\theme\global\nextgen\custom.js
    – assets\scss\nextgen.scss
    – config.json
    – templates\components\common\header.html
    – templates\components\common\navigation-dropdown-with-categories.html
    – templates\components\common\navigation-dropdown.html
    – templates\components\common\navigation-list.html
    – templates\components\custom\checkout-header.html
  • We’ve fixed the theme editor controls for the product page wish list button
    – config.json
    – nextgen.scss

Internal Revisions

  • Logo no longer moves when focused whether or not focus outline is enabled or disabled.
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • Sale badge colors have should now render according to theme editor settings found here: Products > Product Sale Badges > Badge Color.
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • Logo should no longer shift when focused whether focus outline is enabled or disabled.
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • Product page tab hover text color should now adhere to theme editor setting found here: Product Page > Product Tab Hover Text Color.
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss

Customer Requests

  • The Contact form will now be visible when the sideNav is active on the contact page.
    – templates/pages/contact-us.html
  • Added theme editor options to adjust the wishlist button static & hover state colors on the product page
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
    – schema.json
    – config.json
  • Product Names on product cards will now appear how they are typed (case sensitivity) in control panel
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss

Internal Revisions

  • Logo text hover color will now adhere to theme editor settings
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • Focus outline will now disable with theme editor setting
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • Top Menu font hover color will now adhere to theme editor settings
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • Hero indicator dots will now adhere to changes within theme editor
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • Added theme editor color settings for Grid and List View Toggle
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
    – schema.json
    – config.json

Customer Requests

  • Recommended Products on product page, restricted width on mobile.
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • When using the Theme Editor setting, “Show Categories Only”, the Hover to Open has been corrected.
    – templates/components/common/navigation-menu.html
  • The Product option layout and alignment on product page has been adjusted.
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
  • You can now choose to show or not show subcategory images when enabling Subcategory Grid on category pages, giving you the option to only display SubCategory Links within the Grid.
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss
    – schema.json
    – config.json

Theme Editor Setting Revisions

  • Cart icon colors & hover colors should now adjust according to Theme Editor Settings
  • Cart Dropdown Button colors and hover colors should now adjust according to Theme Editor Settings
  • Cart Preview Modal button colors and hover colors, (after adding to cart from product page), should now adjust to Theme Editor settings
  • Cart page Checkout button colors and hover colors should now adjust according to Theme Editor settings
  • Back To Top Icon color and hover colors should now adjust according to Theme Editor settings
  • Product Card Button colors and hover colors should now adjust according to Theme Editor settings
  • Sales Flag colors and hover colors should now adjust according to Theme Editor settings
  • Newsletter button colors & hover colors should now adjust according to Theme Editor Settings
  • Compare Button colors & hover colors should now adjust according to Theme Editor Settings
  • Checkout Button colors and hover colors should now adjust according to Theme Editor settings
  • We have corrected the issue with not being able to adjust the text-color within a page builder region on content pages.
  • We have corrected the footer widget areas where colors could not be set within the widget.
  • Banners font-colors should now adjust to Theme Editor settings
  • The column layout within the Main Nav dropdown should now adjust according to Theme Editor settings
  • QuickView Button colors and hover colors should now adjust according to Theme Editor settings
  • Magnifying glass icon color within Searchbar should now adjust according to Theme Editor settings
  • The Main Navigation Alignment should now adhere to the Theme Editor Settings
  • The Main Navigation “hover to open” setting now adheres to the Theme Editor Settings

Updated Files:
– schema.json
– config.json
– assets/scss/nextgen.scss

Functionality Revisions

  • We have corrected the duplicate content within the last 3 footer widgets.
  • Compare Page: corrected font-size in product card sku & brand
  • We have developed a fix for the incorrect image displaying within the main image area in quickView modal after clicking “quickview” on the product page.
  • Compare Checkbox + Comparte Text Click-ability. “Compare” text & checkboxes should now be clickable in both list & grid views, with list by default, and grid by default.
  • { search_query } code displaying on store after searching has been resolved
  • We have corrected the issue of the call for pricing element being overlapped by the button.
  • News & Information will now display content on search results pages when clicking the “News & Information” link.
  • We have updated the Checkout Page Shipping Address font within the checkout dropdown to be the body font-color
  • Top menu does not update to show the user is now logged in: We have eliminated the account login/logout feature within the topMenu on the checkout page ONLY.
  • Checkout page – Promo input field should now be half the width of the element shared with the “apply” button.
  • Mobile checkout modal form opens off screen and can not be closed. This should now appear centered within the screen.
  • The mobile menu button will now toggle the dropdown on the checkout page
  • Issue with varying body-widths not floating the right-hand sidebar on the product pages properly has been resolved.

Updated Files:
– assets/scss/nextgen.scss
– assets/js/theme/global/nextgen/custom.js
– assets/js/theme/global/modal.js
– lang/en.json
– templates/components/common/footer-product.html
– templates/components/common/footer.html
– templates/components/common/navigation-menu-mobile-checkout.html
– templates/components/common/navigation-menu.html
– templates/components/custom/checkout-footer.html
– templates/components/custom/checkout-header.html
– templates/components/products/list-item.html
– templates/pages/errors/generic.html
– templates/pages/compare.html
– templates/pages/search.html

End of BigCommerce Fall Sale 2021

  • Updated pricing & meta images for each variation.
    – config.json
    – package-lock.json
    – package.json

Announcing BigCommerce Fall Sale 2021

  • Updated pricing & meta images for each variation.
    – config.json
    – package-lock.json
    – package.json
    – Added Directory & Files:
    – meta/sale

Internal Revisions

  • Updated Variation Descriptions
    – config.json
  •  Updated Styling for Focus Element within main nav to prevent movement in main nav when clicking or tabbing.
    – assets/scss/nextgen.scss