Parts Warehouse Release Notes
WARNING! BigCommerce does not have the ability to revert a previous theme version after updating within the control panel. Make a copy of your working theme version before pressing the update button.
- We’ve corrected the issue of the missing product images on the product page
– js/theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js - We’ve corrected the issue with the logo not adjusting to store settings
– common/header.html
– common/checkout-header.html
– common/navigation-menu.html
– common/navigation-list.html
– scss/parswarehouse.scss
– js/theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js
– scss/optimzied checkout.scss
– config.json
– schema.json - We’ve increased the clickable area of the mobile menu drop downs
– js/theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js - We’ve fixed the issue of the mobile search bar glitching on some devices
– optimized-checkout.scss
– parts-warehouse.scss
– config.json
– common/header.html
– common/checkout-header.html
– js/theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js
- We’ve redesigned the header to include more information, icons and page links. We’ve moved the phone number and added the wishlist and account icons. We’ve moved the currency converter. We’ve added dividing lines between the page links.
– theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js
– custom/top-banner/slider.html
– common/header.html
– scss/parts-warehouse.scss
– scss/optimized-checkout.scss
– schema.json
– Config.json - We’ve added a rotating text banner that is editable within the theme editor so you can display more content.
– theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js
– custom/top-banner/slider.html
– common/header.html
– scss/parts-warehouse.scss
– scss/optimized-checkout.scss
– schema.json
– Config.json - We’ve removed some space above and below the logo to make the header smaller to show more information above the fold.
– common/header.html
– scss/parts-warehouse.scss - We have increased the size of the search bar and search bar icon for desktop and mobile
– common/header.html
– scss/parts-warehouse.scss - We’ve added the ability to make the side navigation sticky on desktop. We’ve added an option to turn this feature on and off in the theme styles editor.
– scss/paarts-warehouse.scss
– common/header.html
– common/checkout-header.html
– common/navigation-menu.html
– common/navigation-list.html
– scss/optimzied-checkout.scss
– config.json
– schema.json
– components/category/shop-by-price.html
– components/custom/sidenav.html
– components/page/home-page-no-sidenav.html
– js/theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js
– components/custom/brand-sidenav.html
– components/custom/category-sidenav.html
– components/custom/search-results-sidenav.html
– pages/search.html - We have redesigned the top bar on mobile include the following changes. Bigger top bar and cart section. Added a profile icon the save space. Make the phone number a click to call on mobile.
– common/header.html
– common/checkout-header.html
– common/navigation-menu.html
– common/navigation-list.html
– scss/parswarehouse.scss
– js/theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js
– scss/optimzied-checkout.scss
– config.json
– schema.json - We have redesigned the mobile header to include the search bar and menu icon. We’ve made the mobile header sticky.
– optimized-checkout.scss
– parts-warehouse.scss
– config.json
– common/header.html
– common/checkout-header.html
– js/theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js - We’ve redesigned the mobile menu with bigger fonts and icons to make it more easy to for your customers to find products and navigate the store. We’ve also added social media icons and moved the currency converter.
– common/header.html
– common/checkout-header.html
– common/navigation-menu.html
– common/navigation-list.html
– scss/parswarehouse.scss
– js/theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js
– scss/optimzied checkout.scss
– config.json
– schema.json - We’ve made additional improvements to the header responsive design on tablet views.
– scss/paarts-warehouse.scss - We’ve enhanced the design of the side navigation to be more readable and easier to navigate. We have updated the font sizes, font weights, spacing, line heights, and icons. We’ve also organized the color settings in the theme editor.
– config.json
– scss/paarts-warehouse.scss
– js/theme/global/custom.js
– schema.json
– assets/img/icon-sprite.svg
– common/navigation-menu.html
– common/navigation-list.html - We’ve created theme customizer options for colors, fonts, and borders to make the checkout steps more readable and to achieve maximum flexibility. These new color options are available for all variants.
New color options:
(a) Payment tab Active background color
(b) Payment tab box background color
(c) Payment tab font color
(d) Payment tab border color
Theme editor options that we have optimized:
(1) We’ve optimized the ID names added in the “Category Page” schema.
(2) We’ve optimized the ID names added in the “Product Page” schema.
(3) We’ve optimized the ID names added in the “Product Quick Cart” schema.
(4) We’ve optimized the ID names added in the “Products” schema.
(5) We’ve optimized the ID names added in the “Blog” schema.
– scss/optimized-checkout.scss
– schema.json
– config.json - We have redesigned the home page carousel pagination fonts and spacing for desktop and mobile view.
– scss/paarts-warehouse.scss - We have made the phone number a click to call link.
– scss/paarts-warehouse.scss
– components/common/header.html
– components/custom/checkout-header.html - We’ve resolved the display issues with the quick search product cards when the logo is centered.
-/assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - We’ve created color settings for the footer Newsletter input text.
– config.json
– schema.json
– scss/paarts-warehouse.scss - We’ve resolved the blog share social links issue in the base theme.
– blog/post-page.html
– blog/post-post.html
– blog/post.html - We have fixed the text color issue for the Stripe Payment widget.
– scss/optimized-checkout.scss - We’ve fixed the visibility issue for the Store Credit alert box for all the variants.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - We’ve integrated the “Manual Captcha” functionality for the Contact Us page.
– lang/en.json
– templates/components/page/contact-us-form.html - We’ve fixed the button issue for account pages, such as the “create account” and “reset password”.
– scss/paarts-warehouse.scss - We removed the script and managed the “Recommended” section images via CSS to display in proper size.
– scss/paarts-warehouse.scss
– js/theme/global/custom.js
– js/theme/global/quick-search.js - We’ve adjusted the font colors on the cart page so that more text colors are editable. We’ve added Cart total labels, values, and product options to the “Colour Text Base” setting.
– scss/paarts-warehouse.scss - We’ve fixed the breadcrumb color settings issue.
– scss/paarts-warehouse.scss - We’ve fixed the issue on the mobile menu when clicking the category title it will now redirect to the relevant page.
– js/theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js
– common/checkout-footer.html - We’ve corrected the color settings issues on the checkout page brought on by Paypal and other 3rd party payment integrations. We’ve now created theme customizer options for the checkout steps for maximum flexibility. These new color options are available for all variants.
– scss/optimized-checkout.scss
– schema.json
– config.json - We’ve corrected the display issues with the home featured banners. See theme documenation for new recommended image sizes.
– scss/paarts-warehouse.scss - We’ve removed the space between the Header and body content when the admin bar is active. We’ve made the changes for desktop and mobile
– scss/paarts-warehouse.scss
- We have added the reCAPTHA function for the forgotten password page.
– config.json
– templates\pages\auth\forgot-password.html - We have fixed the sidebar images overlapping issue.
– assets\scss\parts-warehouse.scss - We have fixed the “Amex” card icon visibility issue.
– assets\scss\optimized-checkout.scss - We have fixed the redirect problem when a user clicks a product image on a product card on mobile views. The fix is a function when the customizer settings have the quick view button disabled.
– templates/components/products/card.html - Replace twitter logo with updated X logo
– assets/img/icon-sprite.svg
- We have fixed the mobile submenu problem that occurs when clicking on links for certain devices.
– config.json
– assets/js/theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js - The issue with the image changing when swatches were clicked has been resolved.
– assets/js/theme/global/partswarehouse/product.js
– templates/components/common/footer-product.html
- [ACTION REQUIRED] Security upgrades to BigCommerce that affect your Stencil theme – We’ve updated the template to support the Node 18 update.
– config.json
– package.json
– webpack.common.js
- We have fixed the search result popup issue.
– quick-search.js
- We’ve fixed the pagination, filter & Sort by issue on the category and search result pages.
– Config.json
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
– assets/js/theme/common/faceted-search.js
– assets/js/theme/catalog.js
- Notice of Google AMP Deprecation by BigCommerce
– config.json - We have added New functionality for Google Analytics 4
– Package.json - We have added a background option to the customizer for subcategory images
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
– config.json
– Schema.json - We have created a new product customizer option for the selected product options and set the primary color to it
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
– config.json
– Schema.json
- We have added the New Cornerstone Functionality Roll Out – Preload/Early Hints
– templates/layout/base.html
– templates\layout\home-layout.html
– templates\layout\product-new.html
– config.json - We have corrected product page schema description issue
– templates/components/products/schema.html - We have corrected the off-center product image alignment on the product page product panels that occurs on the 1280px body width setting
– parts-warehouse.scss
- We have added the required code to resolve google search console errors regarding product image markup
– templates/components/page/product-page-no-sidenav.html
– templates/components/page/product-page-with-recommended-below.html
– templates/components/page/product-page-with-sidenav.html
– templates/components/products/price-range.html
– templates/components/products/price.html
– templates/components/products/product-quick-view.html
– templates/components/products/product-view.html
– templates/components/products/reviews.html
– templates/components/products/schema.html (New Created)
– templates/pages/product.html
– templates/components/common/category.html
– config.json - We have resolved the hamburger menu icon issue not working properly on the checkout page
– templates/components/common/checkout-footer.html
– templates/layout/checkout.html
– templates/pages/checkout.html
– assets/scss/optimized-checkout.scss - We have resolved the issue on the add to cart button not fully showing on the product page at certain settings
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - The have added to code to fix the distorted images on the recommended products when the 960px body width setting with a Side navigation is used on the product page
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
- We have removed a blank div present when the “Call for pricing” feature is available.
– config.json
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
– assets/scss/cards-quicksearch.scss - We’ve adjusted some spacing on the category page images and description area
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
- We have center aligned the product image picture on the product page
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - We tweaked the alignment of the Paypal and Amazon checkout buttons
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - We changed the default body width setting to 1170px on dark variation only
– config.json
- We have added the H1 tags for the category, search & brand page
– templates/components/common/category.html
– templates/pages/brand.html
– templates/pages/category.html - We have changed the text color issue for the Newsletter popup for the Parts Warehouse Dark variation
– config.json
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
Customer Support Items
- We’ve corrected the issue of blog page posts alignment.
– config.json
– templates/pages/blog.html
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - We have changed all input field text colors to white for the dark variant
– config.json - We have made adjustments to the alignment of payment buttons on the cart page
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - We have added code to support the “Configurable Fields” which are available in the older version of BigCommerce
– templates/components/products/product-view.html - We have center aligned the main product images within the container on the product page
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - We have corrected the issue of broken subcategory links on the mobile menu
– templates/components/common/navigation-list.html - We’ve fixed the logo header/logo size issue on the champion variant
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
BigCommerce Bug Sheet
- THEME-2113: We corrected the issue of option price/image rules not working when product does not have a main image
– templates/components/products/product-view.html
Customer Support Items
- The shipping method background-color for the Dark variation should now be black by default, instead of white.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Sharing by email from product page share links should now directly open your email client instead of the Google share interrupt page. We have updated the templates/components/common/share.html template file with the latest version from Conerstone v.6.2.0.
– templates/components/common/share.html
BigCommerce Bug Report
- [THEME-2109] Parts Warehouse – Web page content is not displaying on iOS mobile devices if “Side Navigation Visibility” is set to “Show Side Navigation”
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - [THEME-2122] Parts Warehouse quick view quantity selector not static when scrolling. Positioning rules corrected for increment / decrment boxes scrolling within window in QuickView modal.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
Customer Support Items
- Quotation marks will be rendered as typed within both QuickSearch Message and Search Results heading. Search_Query text will no longer appear in place of searched term when no results are available.
– lang/en.json
– templates/components/search/heading.html
– templates/components/search/quick-results.html
End of BigCommerce Fall Sale 2021:
- Updated pricing & meta images for each variation.
– package-lock.json
– package.json
Announcing BigCommerce Fall Sale 2021
- Updated pricing & meta images for each variation.
– config.json
– package-lock.json
– package.json - Added Directory & Files
– meta/sale
Customer Support Items
- Updated Warranty Tab on the product page to inherit the text entered within en.json file. The quickview modal was already inheriting this.
– templates/components/products/product-view.html - Tool-tip spelling correction for “Including Tax”
– lang/en.json line#: 740. - Fix for font styles not updating within page builder text widget on content pages. Text widgets added to content pages will now adhere to widget font settings, including custom settings for: font-families, font-weights, font-sizes, font-colors and alignment.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - If there is 1 or less items visible on product listing pages, then compare checkboxes and compare button will be hidden.
– assets/js/theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js
BigCommerce Bug Report
- THEME-2018: Facets with Special Characters Do Not Expand on “Show More”. We have updated all files according to: “Show More” Link is opening popup that contains more products. It’s worth noting that in testing special characters within custom fields, neither Cornerstone 5.4.0 or PW 2.2.9 display these custom fields within the facet filters.
– Replaced following Files with Cornerstone files version 5.2.0:
– UPDATED: assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
– REPLACED: entire directory with Cornerstone 5.4.0: templates/components/faceted-search - THEME-2009: Sale Badge Displays when using Product Rules. *This no longer appears to be an issue. On both Cornerstone 5.4.0 & Partswarehouse 2.2.9, category pages appear the same considering sale flags.
- THEME-1500: Add-to-cart popup behavior inconsistent across storefront. *I tested on 5/17/21 on Cornerstone 5.4.0 on the same product on category page and product page, and it still re-directs to cart page when adding from category page, and displays popup on product page after adding to cart. We are considering this resolved, since this is the current behavior of Cornerstone.
– Replaced following Files with Cornerstone files version 5.2.0:
– UPDATED: assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
– REPLACED: entire directory with Cornerstone 5.4.0: templates/components/faceted-search - [THEME-1482] “Search suggest” still suggests regardless of setting being toggled off. *Toggling “Search Suggest” in control panel will now enable/disable search suggestions on search results page. Also the en.json file has been updated to correct the syntax.
– templates/pages/search.html
– lang/en.json - THEME-2068: Saving vaulted credit cards in Account pages not working for some gateways – Revisions made according to GitHub reference:
– Replaced following Files with Cornerstone files version 5.2.0:
– assets/js/theme/common/payment-method.js
– templates/pages/account/add-payment-method.html
– templates/pages/account/edit-payment-method.html - THEME-2079: wishlist-details.html does not support pagination. Wishlists will now support pagination when more than 50 products are added to a single wishlist.
– REPLACED with Cornerstone 5.4.0: assets/js/theme/wishlist.js
– AMMENDED with Cornerstone 5.4.0: templates/components/account/wishlist-item-list.html
– AMMENDED with Cornerstone 5.4.0: templates/components/common/paginator.html
– AMMENDED with Cornerstone 5.4.0: templates/pages/account/wishlist-details.html - Removed Geo Trust Seal Theme Editor Option and added various new Footer Global regions that will now be used to enter SSL seal badges and information. These new global footer regions can be used for a multitude of content as well. This was completed at the request of BigCommerce.
– style=”list-style-type: none;”
– li style=”list-style-type: none;”
– schema.json
– config.json
– templates/components/common/footer.html
– templates/components/common/footer-product.html
– templates/components/common/payment-icons.html
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
Customer Support Items
- Corrected issue of main product image on product page being clipped when image too large for the container.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Brands Page images will now appear as large as possible without distorting.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Bulk Pricing Modal will now appear centered on the screen.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Corrected blog alignment issues on blog page.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Corrected issue of when a default option is out of stock, an add to cart button does not appear for in-stock options. Add to cart button will now appear and be unclickable if out of stock and will be clickable when options are in stock.
– UPDATED WITH Cornerstone version 5.4.0: templates/components/products/add-to-cart.html
– AMMENDED WITH Cornerstone version 5.4.0: assets/js/theme/common/product-details.js. All code was replaced with the exception of leaving “import _ from ‘lodash’;” intact. Also left the entire original section: showProductImage(image). This is necessary to maintain our custom zoom window and product option image swap.
– AMMENDED WITH Cornerstone version 5.4.0: lang/en.json – beneath “Common”
– AMMENEDED section class=”productView-details product-options” with Cornerstone version 5.4.0: templates/components/products/product-view.html
– AMMENEDED section class=”productView-details product-options” with Cornerstone version 5.4.0:templates/components/products/product-quick-view.html
– ADDED FROM Cornerstone version 5.4.0: assets/js/theme/common/aria
– ADDED FROM Cornerstone version 5.4.0: assets/js/theme/common/utils
– ADDED FROM Cornerstone version 5.4.0: assets/js/theme/common/product-details-base.js - Corrected issue when default option is set to an option rule image, and then clicking back to an option without an image rule, the main-image container does not update to the default image in the control panel. Clicking an option without a rule image will now display the first image listed under said product in the control panel, just as Cornerstone does.
– assets/js/theme/global/loading-progress-bar.js
– templates/components/common/footer-product.html - Added alert boxes for shipping messages to home page.
– templates/components/page/home-page-with-sidenav-float-carousel.html
– templates/components/page/home-page-with-sidenav.html
BigCommerce Bug Report
- THEME-2039: Theme Vertical Reassignments Completed. Industries have been adjusted according to the recommendations provided by BigCommerce as follows
– Classic – “automotive_industrial”, “electronics_computers”
– Light – “automotive_industrial”, “electronics_computers”
– Dark – “automotive_industrial”, “electronics_computers”
– Champion – “automotive_industrial”, “electronics_computers” - “optimized_for” also updated on all variations to:
– “multi_purpose”
– “mobile_tablet_desktop”
– “sales_discounts”
– “large_catalog”
– config.json
New Features
- Global Page Builder Elements Added Throughout Theme! Using the new global page builder regions within the header & footer areas, your custom added content will be visible throughout your site in those areas. Adding content to the global regions within the product, category, or content pages will add that content to the respective pages throughout your site. That is, if you add content to a Global Widget on a product page, that content will be visible within that area on ALL product pages, etc…
– templates/components/common/header.html
– templates/components/common/footer-product.html
– templates/components/common/footer.html
– templates/components/page/content-page-no-sidenav.html
– templates/components/page/content-page-with-sidenav.html
– templates/components/page/product-page-no-sidenav.html
– templates/components/page/product-page-with-recommended-below.html
– templates/components/page/product-page-with-sidenav.html
– templates/components/products/product-quick-view.html
– templates/components/products/product-view.html
– templates/layout/base.html
– templates/layout/checkout.html
– templates/layout/home-layout.html
– templates/layout/product-new.html
– templates/pages/category.html
– templates/pages/product.html
– templates/pages/page.html
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
Customer Support Items
- Corrected issue with Page Builder Region home_below_carousel not displaying on mobile.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Solution for the mobile menu issue triggering links to other pages when scrolling on a mobile device.
– assets/js/theme/global/partswarehouse/custom.js
Customer Support Items
We are aware that there were issues with our last update, version 2.2.5. The issues that we are aware of are of the following: Product Page: reviews, ratings, & bulk pricing are not showing up and/or functioning. In addition, product ratings are not showing up on the home page or within the related products on the product page. We have corrected these issues within version 2.2.6.
This process consisted of starting over with Version 2.2.4 and remaking the changes committed in version 2.2.5. In addition we have made the following revisions.
- Corrected width and alignment of search bar within the body of a 404 error page at 1260px and below.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Theme Editor option for top menu cart icon color will now adjust accordingly.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
– assets/scss/optimized-checkout.scss
Customer Support Items
- Cleaned up styling and alignment of additional payment buttons at the bottom of the cart page, within the cart dropdown, and checkout page.
- Corrected color styling of mobile open menu close icon “X”. This will now be the topMenu font-color setting on all pages, and the checkout page.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
– assets/scss/optimized-checkout.scss - Enhanced eCommerce data was not being generated within the DOM, where product carousels were used. We have corrected this issue including all home page product carousels, and product page carousels, both vertical and horizontal.
– templates/components/products/carousel.html
– templates/components/products/carousel-vertical.html - Corrected swatch images being cut off on the far right on hover on the product page.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Updated grunt and icons.svg / sprite img generation method. StumbleUpon svg has been deprecated and removed.
– package.json
– package-lock.json
– templates/layout/amp-iframe.html
– templates/layout/base.html
– templates/layout/home-layout.html
– templates/layout/product-new.html
– Removed: templates/components/common/icons
– Removed: assets/icons/stumbleupon.svg
– Updated: assets/icons/instagram.svg (was corrupted file)
– Added: Gemfile
– Added: Gemfile.lock
– Added: jest-eventemitter2-transformer.js
– Added: jest.config.js
– Added: jest.setup.js
– Generated new: assets/img/icon-sprite.svg - Corrected issue when in Quick View when no image swap rules are set and an option is selected. Image was breaking.
– assets/js/theme/global/modal.js
Customer Support Items
- Removed duplicate “Sitemap” link from “Accounts & Orders” column within the footer. There is a “Sitemap” link within the copyright section at the bottom of the footer.
– templates/components/common/footer.html
– templates/components/common/footer-product.html - Page Builder regions added above and below content area for content pages. There will now be a total of 3 widgets on content pages.
– templates/pages/page.html
– templates/components/page/content-page-no-sidenav.html
– templates/components/page/content-page-with-sidenav.html
– atom://tree-view - Styling rule edited for left logo positioning slightly shifting larger when scrolling down the page, when sticky nav is active.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Styling rule edited for truncated product cards when “login for picing” is active for screen-widths 980 and below.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Styling rule edited for visited link color in Light Variation, on product page in tabs description area, after opening in a new window, then returning to original tab and when hovering near the visited link. It should now match the rest of theme editor settings.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Mobile Menu icon color will now adhere to Top Menu font color theme editor settings.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Fix for category page jumping when image is touched or clicked on mobile.
– templates/components/products/card.html - Fix for product card image being hidden on hover when 2nd hover image is disabled within the Theme Editor.
– templates/components/products/card.html
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss - Fix for duplicate SideNav arrows when FontAwesome script references are added to theme.
– assets/scss/parts-warehouse.scss
BigCommerce Bug Report
- THEME-1981: Update jQuery in Theme. jQuery version updated to 3.5.1
– package.json
– templates/components/common/footer-product.html - Removed unnecessary/commented-out jQuery references from:
– templates/layout/base.html
– templates/layout/product-new.html
Customer Support
- Product options containing special characters such as ampersands and quotes should render as entered on cart page and cart preview modal. This was corrected by using triple braces instead of double for everywhere the {{value}} expression appears in the templates/cart/content.html and templates/cart/preview.html files.
- Product reviews that contain special characters such as ampersands and quotes, should render as typed within reviews setions on product pages. This was corrected within the templates/components/products/reviews.html, templates/components/amp/products/reviews.html files, by using triple braces and removing the nl2br where the {{nl2br text}} expression appears in this element: {{{text}}}.
- Removing the nl2br removes line breaks entered on the user end, but we have compensated for this using the css rule:
p.productReview-body {
white-space: pre-line;
}. yielding the same results. - The title within each review now has triple braces as well within this element:
{{{ title }}}
- Fix for sidenav banners not appearing on subcategory pages, and when product filtering is disabled. Duplicate sidenav banners will not appear when product filtering is enabled. All calls to sidenav banners are now found here: templates/custom/category-sidenav.html, templates/custom/brand-sidenav.html, and templates/custom/search-results-sidenav.html.
- Promo input field and “Apply” button on optimized checkout will now be full-width and stacked vertically, as the display flex styling was not allowing enough space to enter Gift Certificate codes on handheld devices.
- Input field colors on optimized checkout will be controlled by the colors under Forms and not by the Optimized Checkout section within the Theme Editor.
- Fix for product card/images not loading in IE11. This was an issue that pertained to a custom module developed to allow the fancybox zoom to work on mobile devices. We updated our custom module and both the ie11 issue of card images not loading and the mobile fancybox now work.
Customer Support
- Fix for jittery and non-functional “Create Account” button.
- BC CLI Reinstall –
Customer Support
- Fix for “&” symbol rendering incorrectly within sidebar for faceted search.
- Main nav arrow colors will now adjust when changing color settings under Main Navigation > Main Nav Font Color.
- Restyled download button on cart page to a circle instead of rectangular
- Focus button color within Shipping Estimator on cart page will now match the hover color your theme settings.
Design Improvements
- Page Builder Regions added throughout the store
- Added Fancybox functionality to mobile.
- Added 2nd hover image on touch for mobile product cards, along with buttons to select quickview or product details which directs to the product page.
- Enabled and styled quickview for mobile.
Design Improvements
- Wishlist button & dropdown color fix for Dark variation
- Positioning fix for topMenu cart button when positive on mobile.
- Quickview modal z-index fix. Now appears on top of sticky quickSearch
- Positioning fix for newsletter popup on mobile. Should now be centered in screen.
- Fix for bottom marketing banners width. They were too wide when body width is set to 1170px. Changed from 80% to 78%.
- Disabled MSRP by default. If you already have this feature you may still need to change as needed.
- Set Classic variation body with to 1170px by default. (for new purchases only).
- Set Sale price to primary color on each variation.
- Set non-sale price to variation base font color.
Customer Support
- Fix for main product image alignment on product page when images have varying aspect ratios.
- Fix for hiding MSRP price when toggled off
- Fix for product carousel beneath main product image on product page not working properly. The slider nav carousel was not sliding and not displaying all images.
- Fix for theme settings to disable the slider nav carousel beneath the main product image on the product page. Will now display as a grid, if disabled as intended.
- When only one product image set, arrows to scroll will not appear now.
- Added Theme Editor option for Pagination colors found here: Global > Pagination Visibility & Color > Background Color & Font Color. Active & hover color for pagination will be set here: Global > Common Colors > Primary Color. Border Colors for pagination will be set here: Global > Common Colors > Common dark border.
- Credit Card CVV code hover popup background color will now be set to the checkout input field color found here: Optimized Checkout > Form inputs > Background Color. This is limited to either “white” or transparent. This was only an issue when using the Dark variation.
- Added Theme Editor option to adjust qty box background-color and font-color found here: Global > Qty Box Background Color and Qty Box Font Color.
- Corrected issue with “Now” pricing label showing on product page when it should not.
- Fix for: Related product pricing is overwritten for products with variants. Related products section cannot be within the div with the class of productView. Moved related-products-container out of productView div.
- Gave div#side-categories.sideCategoryList.desktop display none style at 800px and below on product page only. This was causing an issue with the breadcrumbs and additional spacing at top of product page.
New Features
- Added custom “Call for Price” text input fields for text on one line and phone number on 2nd line. This will only show on products that have the Show “Call for pricing” message instead of the price, checked in the control panel. Otherwise, nothing concerning the “Call for Price” message will show on the product cards. Also, it will only show that message when text is entered in the Theme Editor option found here: Products > Card Prices > Call for Price Text & Call for Price Phone Number.
- A “View Details” button will now show on all products without pricing that links to the product page. The “View Details” button will also show on products that cannot be purchased due to no stock, unless an out of stock message is entered and active within the control panel, found here: Advanced Settings > Inventory > Stock level > Out-of-stock message”, at which point the entered custom “Out of Stock” message will show.
- Removed some even font-size settings from Main & Sub-nav, and SideNav and SideSubNav in order to accommodate for new features within schema file. There are still plenty of font-size settings remaining. The only difference is now they increment/decrement by 2 font-sizes instead of one.
New Product Card Design & Features
- Options to display Brands and/or SKUs
- Options to show brands and skus on separate lines or up to 2 lines each.
- Options to show/hide MSRP price
- Options to show/hide Non-Sale price
- Options to choose 1,2,3,or 4 line Product Titles
- Options to adjust font-sizes for Product Titles
- Options to show current pricing on up to 2 lines
- Options to adjust font-sizes for current prices
- Options to change or remove pricing labels for Current, Sale, Regular, & MSRP prices.
- Options to choose independent colors for Sale, Regular, MSRP, & Current prices.
- Vertically aligned images, even when 2nd hover image is enabled and a different height or dimension.
Redesigned QuickSearch
- Images are now larger and in square container figures like the rest of the theme.
- QuickView option added
- 2nd hover image functionality added
- QuickSearch results will now dropdown to 70% of the viewport.
- Closing the quicksearch automatically resets it, making it easier & quicker to type a new search. This new functionality deprecated the reset button and the need to hightlight and delete the previous search.
- When right & centered logos are active, quicksearch results will now be full-width of the body container and in grid-layout.
- When sticky topmenu is active quicksearch & quickSearch results will always be centerd in the page after scrolling down
- Mobile quicksearch results will now be in grid-layout 2-columns wide.
Product Page Features
- Added product carousels to product page, including vertical slider when using correlated layout.
- Added arrows to main & thumbnail images when needed.
- New pricing design to help your customers get the information they need and aid in conversions.
Redesigned Compare page
- Compare results page will now closely resemble the rest of the theme and include all new features such as brand/sku and pricing options.
List/Grid View
- When list or grid view is toggled, the selected layout will now remain active after pagination.
- Corrected issue with bottom pagination not being clickable when list-view is active by default.
Internet Explorer Fixes
- Cleaned up design of carousel arrows for IE.
Carousel Arrow colors
- New Global controls for arrow colors for hero, main product image, and fancybox. Found here: Global > Arrow Colors (includes, hero, main product img, and fancybox.) > Arrow color.
Responsive Design Improvements
- Adjusted width of newsletter popup at mobile width of 550px and below to 95% so that it fits within the container.
- Corrected quicksearch dropdown overlapping product page buttons when not active on iPad portrait view.
- Adjusted positioning of dropdown arrows in mobile menu to be more aligned with corresponding items.
- Added Theme Editor color options for mobile menu font-colors & mobile menu active font colors. Useful for changing background-colors on active items.
- Mobile Menu: Eliminated double click. Items with submenus now require a single click to go to the linked page. Only clicking the arrows will open the submenu below.
Fixes & Updates per Customer Requests
- Added theme editor settings to adjust number of blog posts on blog page with options of 6, 9, or 12 per page. Found here: Blog > Number of Posts per page.
- Added theme editor settings to adjust number of recent blog posts within footer with options of 4, 6, or 8. Found here: Footer > Number of recent blog posts.
- Corrected logo text color on optimized checkout to match the setting within the theme editor, same as the rest of the theme.
- Added theme editor setting to adjust Credits Bar Border Color. Found here: Footer > Credits Bar Border Color.
- Corrected the issue with “New Products” not displaying on home page when not using product carousels.
- Corrected distorted images in featured products sections on home page.
- Corrected z-index issue with login “or” text within footer on mobile when mobile menu is open.
- Fancybox images will now have correct corresponding image alt & title tags.
- Fix for subcategory images misalignment when link texts are varying between 1 to 2 lines for desktop & mobile.
- Structured Data: Errors: Invalid enum value in field ‘availability’. We have added suggested code from to both the price.html & price-range.html files. Note that it may take awhile for Google to recognize the fix. If the problem persists we will continue to research & troubleshoot.
BigCommerce Bug Report
THEME-1912: Fix for Hiding Footer year and store name will hide all Product Thumbnails. The custom js that gets the current year was looking for a div that did not exist when this setting is disabled. Has been corrected with an if statement that checks if the div exists before executing.
THEME-1916: Fix for Firefox – Mobile – Parts of menu are inaccessible. This has been corrected. Had to switch the bottom padding to the navPages-list element from the .navPages element.
Fixes & Updates per Customer Requests
- We have corrected the issue of the Side Navigation not functioning properly on the product page. This was due to duplicate jQuery and has been removed along with other unnecessary jQuery within the footer on the product page.
- We removed height & line-height CSS rules for logo text. The result is a more condensed logo when using text and the logo is rendered on more than one line. Otherwise, you should see no change.
- We have revised the style sheet for when list/view (list-by-default) is active so that all links within the subcategory section are clickable. The issue was that the section below that contains the products was overlapping the section above.
- Fix for first section of “Featured Products” images appearing smaller than normal. Deactivated CSS rule from line 10486: width: auto !important;
- Pre-Order Now button spacing fix: Reduced padding left & right on product page add-to-cart button & add-to-wishlist buttons so that they fit on the same line without overlap, when pre-order button is active.
- Fix for excess spacing below Hero slider in IE11. Removed lazyload from hero as it wasn’t rendering correctly for IE.
- Product page wishlist button border & text colors will now inherit background-color & background-color:hover settings for add to cart button.
- Quickview will now show reviews and review info links. Clicking the “Write a Review” link in quickview will open the product page and automatically open the Review modal. Clicking the (# reviews) link in QuickView will open product page & automatically scroll down to the tabs and open the “Reviews” tab. Zoom functionality on hover cleaned up.
- Product Page: Write a review link on product page will now open review modal instead of scrolling to review section. (*num* review) link still scrolls to review section in tabs.
Fixes & Updates per Customer Requests
- Fix for category page ratings still showing when disabled.
- Fix for marketing banner positioning if data tags are not enabled. Bottom banner class added if data_tag not enabled
BigCommerce Update Request
- Updated jQuery reference calls to version 3.4.1.
- Eliminated all hard-coded jQuery references (duplicates & unnecessary) with the exception of the product page, as it is currently required for the fancybox functionality. However, this reference has now been updated to version 3.4.1 as well.
- Updated call to 3.4.1:
- File removed, un-needed:
Fixes & Updates per Customer Requests
- Fix for font-styling in traditional marketing banners. Font colors and styling can now be controlled using the WYSIWYG in your control panel.
- Removed logo and header options from Theme Editor for optimized checkout, as this is no longer necessary. Our template is using the standard header on the optimized checkout, which means the rules for the Opimized Checkout and the rest of the theme are configured for the header & logo within the “Header” & “Logo” Sections of the Theme Editor.
- Fix for main product image on product page extending beyond the width of the container in IE 11.
- Fix for when product ratings are disabled, they will not be visible on category pages when disabled.
- Fix for checkout page on mobile after clicking “Show Details”. Modal will now appear in center of viewport at the top and centered.
- Fix for phone number color in Top Menu section on mobile IOS devices. Will now be controlled in this section: Top Menu > Top Menu Font Color.
- Fix for countpill positioning in IE11
- Fix for icon and text color in descountBanner on optimized checkout.
- Fix for checkout step counter in IE11. They will not be visible in IE11, as Cornerstone behaves.
- Improvements made for carousel arrow appearance in IE11
BigCommerce Bug Report
- THEME-1830: Fix for: “Cannot Edit Social Share Icon Colors”. This option has been removed from this section of our Theme Editor. There are options for both the Prouct Page and Blog Post pages that are now independent of one another. You may need to adjust these settings with your theme editor to match your branding. All social share icon colors are adjustable for each section found here: “Product Page > Social Share Icon Color”, “Blog > Single Blog Post Settings”, & “Footer > Social Meida Icons”
- THEME-1817: Fix for: “Recommended products section on product pages not spaced properly”. Stylesheet has been adjusted to accommodate for this issue. If more than 4 recommeneded products are set to show on the product page, the widths will be correct for last one.
- THEME-1836: Fix for: Custom Logo Image theme editor feature for Optimized Checkout not working. Removed logo and header options from Theme Editor for optimized checkout, as this is no longer necessary. Our template is using the standard header on the optimized checkout, which means the rules for the Opimized Checkout and the rest of the theme are configured for the header & logo within the “Header” & “Logo” Sections of the Theme Editor.
- THEME-1847: Fix for: Similar and Recommended Product Images Not Displaying Using IE11. Updated card.html file to contain the latest code for the components/common/responsive-img sections
- THEME-1782: Fix for: Image Change rules applied to variant SKUs breaks Image Zoom/Change functionality on PDP’S. Once an option rule changes the image, you can now click back to a thumbnail image and it will load selected image and can be zoomed, and you can re-select another option change rule and it will activate that image rule which can be zoomed as well.
- THEME-1819: Fix for: Images do not switch for variant selection on PDPs. Once an option rule changes the image, you can now click back to a thumbnail image and it will load selected image and can be zoomed. You can then re-select another option change rule and it will activate that image rule which can be zoomed as well.
- THEME-1818: Fix for:Unable to leave reviews when using Internet Explorer 11. Revised markup in product-view.html file and custom js in footer. Appears to be functioning properly in IE11 now.
Dependencies and Core File Updates
- Updated package.json file to latest version of Cornerstone 4.0.0
Fixes & Updates per Customer Requests
- Review submission fix – removed 1st instance of {{> components/products/modals/writeReview}}. Can only have 1 instance.
- Color fix for main nav submenu expansion arrows in dark variation
- Fix for distorted product images when using new product carousels.
- Fix for product images going wider than product card container on home page when using new product carousels.
- Fix for blurry product image, sale flag, & quickview button in new showcase product carousels on home page and related products on product page.
- img src pathing fix for sidenav banner on category pages greater than one level deep.
Fixes & Updates per Customer Requests
- Fix for Hero Carousel not auto cycling. Hero carousel is now auto cycling.
- Product page wishlist button, share links and icons not visible has been corrected and all are now visible and functioning.
- Brand links were linking to a server error page. This was due to a small typo on line 80 in the templates/pages/brand.html file. There was one too many leading “{“
- Structured Data: Fix for duplicate ratingValue on product page.
- Logo text color fix. Logo text color should again now be editable within the theme editor.
- Color fixes for main & sidenav expansion arrows in dark variation.
New Features & Improvements
- Featured Banners on Home Page & SideNav. You can now create custom banners for your home page to showcase Categories, Products, Pages, or whatever you would like. You have the ability to upload images, name each banner, and input a custom link for each. Column options for banner section range from 1 – 4 and are placed beneath the Hero Carousel. You can also add a banner to SideNav that will appear at the bottom on every page there is a sidenav present. All banners have options to link internally or externally. External links will open in a new tab.
- Product Carousels on Home Page! Featured, Top, & New Products now have options to toggle Carousels. Theme Editor options can be found here: Products > Home page > Featured Products > Featured Products in Carousels checkbox. / Products > Home page > Most Popular Products > Popular Products in Carousels checkbox. / Products > Home page > New Products > New Products in Carousels checkbox. We have all 3 sections activated with Carousels by default, but if you choose not to use them, you may easily toggle them off in your Theme Editor, you will also need to set the value for number of each section to display as we have increased it from 4 to 8 by default. You will need to also set the Number of “Featured”, “Most Popular”, “New” products to more than 4 in order to see the carousel function.
- Added thumbnail product images + hover zoom wihtin quickview modal.
- New currency converter look, with flags in dropdown
- Google Analytics Enhanced ECommerce has been enabled on Parts Warehouse following these reference instructions: We modified all the files included in this Cornerstone GitHub commit:
- Google PageInsights scores should come up with this version on both desktop & mobile. We revised all POSSIBLE items according to a Google PageInsights test. We will continue to monitor this and do everything we can to get the best ratings possible from Google, however if you are more concerned with an accurate speed rating we recommend Pingdom website Speed Test. It is worth mentioning that Google Page Insights test vary from test to test quite a bit. We have seen both mobile & desktop results vary as much as 30+ points from one page refresh. We will continue to make improvements as we can to remain competitive.
- Google AMP: we have updated all of our amp files to Cornerstone version 3.4.4 along with all JS files.
- Payment Methods added to account pages & account navigation
Fixes & Updates per Customer Requests
- Product Card background color setting is now working within Theme Editor found here: Products > Product Cards > Product Card Figure Background Color.
- Product cards have been made taller in order to accommodate for new pricing options.
- Product Page social share icon color & hover color independent settings within theme editor. As this is a new feature, store owners will need to verifiy your settings work with customized color settings in your theme. Settings can be found here: Product Page > Social Share Icon Color & Product Page > Social Share Icon Hover Color
- Fixed issues with lazyload images in Category List Mode. Corrected typo for lazyload images within markup of file in directory: templates/components/products/list-item.html on line: 28.
- Added Theme Editor setting to toggle visibility of Shipping & Returns Link in footer. Theme Editor option can be found here: Footer > Accounts & Orders > Show Shipping & Returns Link
- Existing Theme Editor option for Sitemap link will now toggle both sitemap links that are in the “Accounts & Orders” column of the footer as well as the bottom Credits Bar
- Wishlist link in footer will now only show if Wishlist are enabled with the BigCommerce Control Panel.
- Order Status link in footer will now only show if customer accounts are enabled and the customer is logged in to their account.
- Social Media Icons in footer will now change default & hover colors according to existing Theme Editor option found here: Footer > Social Media Icons > Icon Color & Footer > Social Media Icons > Icon Hover Color
- Added padding to the bottom of the mobile menu to ensure that users are able to scroll the full length of the list
- Added wishlist functionality to select and add to existing specific wishlists on product page. Users also have the option to add to a new wishlist and name it on the product page.
- Shipping & Returns link within footer is now completely customizable. Within the Theme Editor, store owners can now configure the link name, link url, and toggle visibility. New Theme Editor Settings can be found here: Footer > Accounts & Orders
- Logo now only has h1 tag if it is text
- We have made numerous revisions concerning Google Amp, Structured Data, and Google Analytics. If you are still experiencing issues after this update, we will work with you to help get resolution, possibly opening a support ticket with BigCommerce if we ourselves are unable to determine what exactly is creating the issues on your store.
BigCommerce Bug Report
- THEME-1708: Fix for: “Advanced Search Form does not expand on mobile”. Removed mobile style rule that was hiding the form.
- THEME-1712: Fix added for: Parts Warehouse – Error text missing from reorder flow if no products are selected. updated files: templates/account/order-contents.html & templates/account/orders-list.html with latest Cornerstone files.
- THEME-1716: Fix for “same attribute use twice on AMP product pages. All Google Amp files updated to Cornerstone 3.4.4.
- THEME-1717: Fix for “Products With Reviews Throw JavaScript AMP Errors”.
- THEME-1742: Fix for “Using “Including Tax” for Show Prices on Product Pages doesn’t provide structured data”. Updated file: components/products/price.html to Cornerstone version 3.4.4
- THEME-1760: Fix for “Product images do not show in list view on category pages when set to 1 default image. updated list-item.html & js”
- THEME-1766: Fix for “Product image order on storefront not matching image order in Control Panel”. Modified JS for slick nav: product thumbnails should now display in order according to back-end settings. Changed the JS to centerMode: false.
- THEME-1777: Fix for “Full pricing details hidden on Product Cards due to !important CSS rules”. modified styles to accommodate for multi-line “new” pricing tiers.
- THEME-1771: Fix for “Cannot navigate through zoomed Product Images”. JS modified – can now navigate through lightbox zoom product images. proper image is magnified when clicked.
- THEME-1773: Fix for “Duplicate product thumbnail images”. JS modified – removed duplicate thumbnails when theme editor setting for product thumbnail carousel is disabled.
- THEME-1774: Fix for “AMP error on product page “tag ‘amp-iframe’ requires including the ‘amp-iframe’ extension JS”. This was only occurring on certain products. We updated all amp files to Cornerstone version 3.4.4. After testing on exact same product, it resolved this issue.
- Fix for Geo Trust Seal and Payment Icons overlapping.
- Extended Payment Icons container to full-width to adjust for many payment options
- Added Theme Editor Option for Number of Visible Brands in SideNav. *Now visible in increments of 10 up to 100.
- Fix for white border/padding around product images on product page when dark or classic theme is applied. Bottom border removed. Background-color of product images will be body color for transparent png files.
- Spacing correction for mobile when sidenav is activated on the product page.
- Font color correction within alert box in Light version on Product Page.
- Support added for custom pricing prefixes within the theme editor for: Default Price, MSRP (Retial Price), & Sale Price.This is visiible on product cards as well as the product page. Can be found in Theme Editor under the Products > Product Cards.
- Eliminated unnecessary HTML from components/common/navigation-menu.html file, lines 6-10, per BigCommerce request.
- Cleanup and XSS fix on Cart page. Using affected files from Cornerstone 3.2.2, including: templates/components/cart/content.html, templates/components/cart/preview.html, templates/pages/account/add-return.html.
- Cart qty’s can now be adjusted on Cart page by typing in the number and tabbing over or clicking outside of the box in addition to using the increment arrows.
- Positioning fix for buy in bulk link once options are clicked
- Added fix for logo text color to update within control panel. In addition, added theme editor options for both the logo text color & logo text-hover color.
- Google AMP: We have updated our theme to contain the latest amp files from Cornerstone 3.2.2. In addition I have removed any JavaScript that is not allowed in other files. If problems persist we may need to open a support ticket with BigCommerce on individual basis.
- Fancybox & Product Options: If main product image is set to update on product option selection the fancybox zoomed image will now appear as that selected option. Going back & selecting product options after clicking the thumbnails will now update the option image if set up properly.
- Fancybox now has image alt & title tags.
- Fancybox Theme Editor option added to toggle thumbnail carousel off
- Product main & thumbnail images are set to width: auto to prevent distortion of smaller uploaded images.
- Blog: Rebuilt blog to clean up alignment issues and add Theme Editor image settings. We have added pre-configured settings that are optimized for each body width settings. You also have control to set your own dimensions should you choose. In addition we have added independent control over the blog page & blog post image settings. We have also implemented lazy load images on both the blog page & blog post.
- Lazy Load added to product card images, including both grid & list view items.
- Responsive issues corrected regarding main content float & widths on mobile throughout theme.
- Current & active Category will remain open and active wihtin SideNav when on that specific Category page and/or when on a Subcategory page of the parent.
- Added new available payment icons in footer including, Amazon Pay, Apple Pay, Chase Pay, Masterpass, & Visa Checkout.
- Bug fixes and design improvements to Faceted Filtering both on mobile & desktop
- Android Dropdown Fix on Checkout.
- Fix for footer font color variables within theme editor. All settings should work as expected, that is when you change the footer font color it should impact all text within the footer, including the address & column headers. Payment icons, social icons, and credits bar are all still independent.
- Updated and added a fix for independent display of copyright date & store-name, sitemap, & powered by information within Theme Editor.
- Fix for multiple occurrences of ‘amp-iframe’ attribute “sandbox”.
- Product Weight & Product Dimensions will be visible on the product page if the options are toggled within the Theme Editor
- Stencil Utils updated to version 4.0.0 within package.json file
- package.json file updated to reflect our authorship credentials
- Updated package.json file to reflect our authorship credentials.
- Updated stencil utils to version 4.0.0
- Updated webpack to version 4.1.1
- Swatch hover images are no longer overlapped by vertical Recommended Products Panel. BC Notes: (Theme-1625)
- Fix for logo not appearing at 800px and less only in IE11/Edge. BC Notes: (Theme-1667)
- IOS v11-11.4.1 fix for inability to add products to cart that have a non-required file upload option BC Notes: (Theme-1673)
- Removed top pagination as it is causing styling conflicts for pages with many results. We will be adding this back in after developing a truncating solution. BC Notes: (Theme-1703)
- Bulk pricing will now be hidden if disabled within the admin section: Store Setup > Store Settings > Display > Bulk Pricing option. BC Notes: (Theme-1704)
- GeoTrust Seal will now appear if GeoTrust SSL has been purchased and common name is entered correctly within the Theme Editor field under the Footer section.
- Fixed: incorrect Search Suggestion Warning. BigCommerce Reference: THEME – 1499
- Fixed: forms_search.no_match returns empty string. BigCommerce Reference: THEME – 1530
- Fixed: Sale flag positioning & size within qucksearch results dropdown.
- Sale Badges now working, and also appear within List View.
- Optimized Checkout – Text is visible within address fields when logged in and using Dark Theme.
- Optimized Checkout – Corrected widths of Credit Card Fields
- Optimized Checkout – Corrected Color / text-visibility issues when credit card is declined.
- One Page Checkout – Corrected width of zip-code shipping field.
- Fix for: Color Swatch Title not showing on hover(affected Dark Theme)
- Fix for: Product Video Text color (affected Dark Theme)
- Fix for: Multiple Product Video not clickable (affected on all theme
- Fix for: Mobile dropdowns on andriod
- Sale Price Removal
- Removal of Blog image manual resizing option within the Theme Editor. PartsWarehouse does not support this feature as there is code in place to keep the images sized uniformly.
- Facebook Like button on product page is working properly.
- Product Condition placement within Quick View corrected.
- Fix for non-required product-list. “None” option will be selected on front-end if set to default within the backend.
- Fix for “Search” placeholder visibility within Firefox.
- Secondary hover image alignment correction within product cards.
- Fix for product page scroll on mobile.
- Link correction for Champion Variation Demo Store.
- Fourth Variation with default settings to showcase new features.
- SideNav Header text is now editable through the en.json file. example: “Shop By Category”, “Shop By Brand”, “Refine By”
- Pagination fix for intermittent issues in miscellaneous browsers.
- Selected Grid/List toggle remains active with use of pagination.
- Fix for product image and details alignment in Quick View.
- Fix for Product Option Image Swap, SKU change, and Inventory Visuals.
- Fix for Responsive equal height product containers with all site-width settings.
- Fix for Toggle functionality in theme editor to turn off/on “Product Hover Images”.
- Fix for bottom banner visibility on Home Page when carousel is floated.
- Options to Show/Hide Top & Bottom Pagination Independently.
- Sticky TopMenu Option in Theme Editor. TopMenu & Searchbar will scroll with page.
- Scrollable Quick Search Results
- When Pagination for reviews on product page is clicked, after the page reloads it will scroll to & activate the Reviews Tab.
New PartsWarehouse 2.0.0 Features
- New! Hero Slider width options include Full-Screen Width, Full-Container-Width, & our classic, Right of SideNav.
- New! Adjustable Site Max-Width Settings in Theme Editor. Includes five different settings, from 960px, up to 1440px. Make your site wider, and your product images will render larger, relative to your original uploaded image resolutions, or use our classic layout. The choice is yours.
- New! Grid/List View options include: “Grid/List” toggle (grid by default), “List/Grid” toggle (list by default), “List Only”, & our classic “Grid Only”. Pages affected include Category, Brand, Search, & Compare.
- New! Newsletter Popup Option on Homepage. Can be enabled/disabled in theme editor. The text is editable through en.json file.
- New! Zoom Lightbox for main product image with carousel capability on the Product Page.
- New! Carousel for product main image & thumbnails on the product page.
- New! Second product image upon hover in both Grid & List views. Can be enabled/disabled within the Theme Editor. Consistent product image sizes work best with this functionality.
- New! Product Ratings will now be visible on Home Page(Featured, Top Sellers, & New Products), as well as the Product Page(Recommended & Related Products) if ratings are enabled through the admin dashboard.
- New! Theme-Styled popup window when removing items from the cart on cart page.
- New! Added Storewide styles. The custom header and custom footer are now being called in the checkout and order confirmation pages. This means that the “Theme Styled” header and footer will be present on the checkout pages. The body width settings also affect this page. (Only available if using the Optimized One Page Checkout).
Fixes & Updates for PartsWarehouse 2.0.0
- Theme Editor Optimization. We have reduced the number of available fonts within the Theme Editor, eliminating unnecessary options. We have left both Roboto & Roboto condensed versions intact. You should see some speed and response time improvements within the theme editor.
- Multi-Language Setup for Optimized One-Page Checkout.
- Compare page is no longer in a table and is fully responsive, styled to match the theme. Grid/List view is available as well.
- Product Filter fix for multiple options applied at once.
- Product Filter, Show More link functional with a popup.
- Amazon & Apple Pay buttons will appear on the cart page and cart preview drop-down if activated within Store Setup > Payments > Digital Wallets. Includes theme editor option to disable additional payment buttons in cart preview drop-down. Apple Pay will only be visible in Cart Preview if Sitewide HTTPS is enabled.Note: Amazon Pay: You must be using Optimized One Page Checkout. You must then set up an Amazon Pay Account and enable it within your store. Read about Requirements.Note: Apple Pay buttons only appear in Safari browsers and compatible iOS devices. Read about Requirements.
- Footer Scripts added to the checkout and order confirmation pages. This means that custom scripts added through the admin dashboard will now be effective on the checkout pages.
- New Script Manager has been tested by adding both script URLs and code chunks. Page options have also been tested successfully.
- UPC codes now update when Options change if an Option/SKU Rule is set up in the admin dashboard.
- Google Shopping Products now show correct price for products with variable pricing when URL is visited
- Page speed improvements. We have made adjustments to increase Google Page Insights Scores. This is an on-going process, and certain things like moving the CSS files cannot be done in BigCommerce without delaying the loading of the page. This will vary from store to store. Things that may impact page speed include images that need to be optimized and also Multiple payment methods. We will continue to make adjustments to improve site speed and efficiency as we can.
- Zero Structured Data Errors/Warnings
- Options, quantities, cart removal, etc. all functional.
- If Reviews are disabled, Review link & tab is not visible on the product page.
- Social Media Header in Footer will not be visible if Social Media is not enabled.
- Zero console errors across pages.
- Fix for Product Options not visible after update for Product Filtering was applied.
- Fix for Product Filtering not adding more than 1 when applied. Also “clear” action fixed.
- Fix for distorted images after 1.1.8 update.
- Name of product option swatch will now display on hover. A tooltip will display above the hovered option swatch that contains whatever text you enter within the Color/Patterns fields.
- Google AMP has been added to our Parts Warehouse Theme. To activate Google AMP, go to Advanced Settings › Google AMP.
- Support for multi-language checkout and optimized checkout.
- Fix for missing schema/structured data for item condition on the product page.
- Fix for, if a product has an “option/variant” price associated with itself that is lower than the “Price” field within the backend, the Sale Flag will not be visible. This fix is effective in Home, Category, Brand, & Search Results pages.
- Reverted jQuery version within package.json from 3.0.0 back to 2.2.1 due to bundling conflict.
- Updated jQuery version within package.json from 2.2.1 to 3.0.0 per GitHub notification.
- Removed commented out code for Tagline within header.html
- Fix for search bar not showing in the mobile menu when the logo is centered.
- Fix for Logo Text position when center or right aligned. Note this change only affects the logo when using text, not an image. When using an image for logo, positioning was and still is working correctly.
- Fix for wider images within quick-search results overlapping product details.
- Fix for spacing of Subcategory Links if no image is uploaded on the category page. If image is uploaded then subcategory links will have an image above and spacing will adjust properly.
- Safari fixes for smaller images appearing in product cards within the “New Products” section when more than 4 New Products are visible.
- Fix for modal review button not working. There was a conflict with calling the write a review link and the popup modal within the same template twice. The “write a review” link in the top section now scrolls to the tab section and activates the “Reviews” tab where customers can leave their comments.
- Review count link up top now scrolls to Reviews tab section and activates “Reviews” tab.
- Fix for Carousel links on the home page not clickable in Edge & IE
- Fix for “Search by Price” positioning and visibility and colors on mobile.
- Fix for Product Options/Details overlapping on Cart page on mobile.
- Fix for Product Option radio button alignment on mobile.
- Fix for card button overlapping product info on account page within “Recently Viewed” tab.
- Font Awesome Warning within console have been resolved.
- Removed “Similar Products” tab from Product page. This was deprecated in the transition from Blueprint to Cornerstone. We attempted to do a custom solution which only worked properly in specific circumstances. This feature can still be added to your theme but is now considered custom.
- Fix for hover color of “Previous” pagination button on the Category page. Now uses themes set primary color.
- Fix for product container widths within “Recommended Section” on Product page when there is more than 4 products visible and the Recommended Section is horizontally displayed at the bottom of the Product page.
- Fix for alignment and clearing of subcategory image containers on Category page.
- Fix for broken link within cart preview box for multiple checkout items – removed link.
- Fix for duplicate “Call for Pricing” option on Product page.
- Videos are now displayed by default when Video Tab is active on Product Page. Toggle link is set to open by default but still functional.
- Fix for alignment of product thumbnails on Product page on mobile.
- Fix for Google Structured Data errors on Product page.
- Fix for “You May Also Like” and “Recommended” product pricing unnecessarily updating when main product option is selected on Product Page.
- Videos now appear in QuickView within tabs.
- Fix for Product Options not showing on product page when SideNav is activated.
- Fix for zoom image on product page when SideNav is active.
- Fix for main product image appearance in Internet Explorer 11 Only.
- Fix for newsletter signup form appearance in Internet Explorer 11 Only.
- Shop by Price Filter “Update” button color and hover color will now update when the forms button settings are adjusted within the Theme Editor under Forms > Form Buttons
- Shop by Price filtering now available on mobile.
- Fix for SideCategory List functionality when Product Filtering is enabled.
- Fix for “Excluding Tax” font color on product page and product cards site-wide.
- Card height fix for “with and without tax prices” so prices are no longer covered up
- Custom Fields will now be displayed in the Product Details section, just to the right of the main product image. Pulling the custom field value into the Custom Tabs section was creating an issue for those who wanted multiple custom fields.
- Fix for unsecured referenced image: image in stylesheet referenced with http now using https
- Fix for control of button colors in Theme Editor on Default Checkout
- Fix for control of button colors on Hero Slider
- Fix for control of button colors in Theme Editor on Gift Certificate page
- Any page that has a form, the button colors can be controlled within the “Forms” section of the Theme Editor
- Added Feature for Product Page Layout: Option added to relocate the “Recommended Products” section from the right-hand side to the bottom of the page. The main benefit of using this layout would be your product images will be larger on the product page.
- Currency Converter: selectable top-menu font-color fix
- Currency Converter: now working in Firefox
- Cart Page and Cart Preview: log in for pricing now functioning properly
- Default One-page Checkout: widened credit card date fields
- Mobile Menu: customizable options added to Theme Editor include: (Main Background Color), (Container-Headers – background, border, and font-colors)
- Mobile Product Page: alignment fix for Recommended Products
- Compare button hidden on Category and Brand pages, if product comparisons are disabled within the Store Settings “OR” not logged in when login is required to view prices.
- Product Card Heights and Spacing: height and spacing now automatically adjusted based on conditional logic such as “enabled/disabled product comparisons”, “as low as pricing setting”, “required login to view pricing” and “enabled/disabled ratings”. This means those who do not enable product comparisons, or product ratings will no longer have the extra spacing which means cleaner looking product cards than before.
- Subcategory Images on Category Page: Fix for subcategory images not showing in Safari
- Distorted “Recommended Products” images fixed for 800px and below
- Wishlist Positioning on Product Page: alignment fix for 800px and below
- Added Full-Width Header and Color Options within the Theme Editor
- Fix for Purchase Options: “As low as” pricing is now functional
- Fix for Purchase Options: “Restrict Purchase to Login” is now functional
- Product Page is now 100% width of the body container if both the SideNav and Related Products are disabled
- Revised Theme features list
- Updated “Release Notes” link
- Adjustable color swatch sizes
- Centered Logo on Mobile Only regardless of alignment selected within the Theme Editor
- Added spacing beneath Category header when just text below
- Added Customizable Quick Cart Buttons within Theme Editor
- Full-width product images within product galleries (if images are perfectly square then they will fill the entire card figure.)
- Added Adjustable card figure background-color within Theme Editor (useful for rectangular images.)
- Fix for un-even amount of New Products & Similar Products
- Added Brands visibility option within SideNav
- Added Main Menu selectable option within Theme Editor for left or center alignment
- Fix for header spacing consistency
- Fix for distorted product thumbnails
- Fix for miscellaneous spacing issues
- Fix for thumbnails being distorted in Safari
- Fix for distorted thumbnails in Quick Search Results and Product Carousels
- Fix for small Product Thumbnails in Safari
- Added Logo flexible positioning (left, center, right alignment options in theme editor)
- SideNav toggle availability on Product, Content, & Contact Page
- Optimized Checkout Styling to match all 3 Theme Variations
- Fix for cart drop-down being hidden behind search bar.
- Fix for subCategory images not showing if spaces in filename
- Dynamic Content for subCategory grid images on category Page – Images are visible along with placeholder if one is uploaded. No images or blocks are visible if no images are uploaded, but subcategory-links are visible.
- Update to PW Theme Description
- QuickSearch Fix – placement, and accessibility: (added functionality to reset quick search results, close by clicking “x” or anywhere else on the page, and products within quick search results are now clickable)
- SideNav now allows for the number of category levels to be set within the admin (allowing you to create multi-level categories, with subcategories that can go far beyond the standard 3 levels deep
- Pagination now exists Top and Bottom on category, brand, search results, and blog pages
- Currency Converter now working on Desktop and Mobile