Noble Release Notes

WARNING!  BigCommerce does not have the ability to revert a previous theme version after updating within the control panel. Make a copy of your working theme version before pressing the update button.

  • We’ve fixed the newsletter section overlapping issue in the footer for small desktop devices.
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
    – config.json
  • We’ve fixed the shop megamenu gap issue that occurred when the logo settings were left active for desktop view.
    – assets\js\theme\custom\custom.js
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
  • We’ve resolved the broken dropdown menu while selecting “Hide Links to Web Pages”.
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
    – templates\components\common\navigation-menu.html
  • We’ve fixed the stock levels issue for product variants.
    – templates\components\products\add-to-cart.html
  • We replace twitter logo with updated X logo.
    – templates/components/common/share.html
    – assets/img/icon-sprite.svg
  • We have lowered the price of Noble to $245
    – config.json
  • We have upgraded the “Noble” theme with Node 18 updates.
    – package.json
    – webpack.common.js
  • We have fixed the issue of the search result popup scrolling while the sticky header is enabled.
    – assets\js\theme\custom\custom.js
    – assets\scss\layouts\header\_noble_header.scss
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
    – assets\scss\components\stencil\navPages\_noble_navPages.scss
  • We have fixed a submenu open and hold on hover issue for desktop views.
    – assets\js\theme\custom\custom.js
    – assets\scss\layouts\header\_noble_header.scss
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
    – assets\scss\components\stencil\navPages\_noble_navPages.scss
  • We have fixed the overlapping logo issue for mobile views.
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
  • We have added the option to add an alternate logo when the transparent header is active.
    – Noble.scss
    – Store-logo.html
    – Schema.json
    – Config.json
    – schemaTranslations.json
  • We have added a lighter background color for the “Transparent content background” option for mobile devices so the content is readable.
    – Noble.scss
    – Header.html
    – Schema.json
    – Config.json
    – schemaTranslations.json
  • We have added an additional customizer setting for a lighter background when the transparent header is visible.
    – noble.scss
    – header.html
    – schema.json
    – config.json
    – schemaTranslations.json
  • We have fixed the top spacing issue when the “Static Top Banner” is hidden from the customizer.
    – header.html
  • We have fixed the 2 products per row on the product listing pages.
    – noble.scss
  • We have fixed the turned-off settings for product ratings on product cards.
    – card.html
  • We have made it below changes to the footer:
    Show a maximum of 10 links for categories
    Show a maximum of 10 links for web pages
    Show a maximum of 9 links for brands
    – carousel.html
    – _heroCarousel.scss
    – footer.html
  • We have fixed the logo overlapping issue on mobile sizes.
    – noble.scss
  • We have fixed the empty space issue on the product carousel when text and buttons aren’t in use.
    – carousel.html
    – _heroCarousel.scss
  • We have fixed the subcategory open and close issue on the mobile menu.
    – Navigation-menu.html
    – custom.js
  • We have added the border color change customizer settings for primary and secondary buttons on Bold and Light variants.
    – Noble_buttons.scss
    – Schema.json
    – Config.json
    – schemaTranslations.json
  • We have made the “Wishlist & Compare” icons visible and keep the quick view hidden on mobile devices.
    – noble.scss
  • We have set the cookie script now for the Header animation to show only once when the user opens the site.
    – custom.js
  • New functionality for Google Analytics 4. We have changed the stencil-util version(6.15.0) for all variants.
    – package.json
  • Notice of Google AMP Deprecation by BigCommerce
    – config.json
  • We have added the New Cornerstone Functionality Roll Out – Preload/Early Hints
    – templates/layout/base.html
  • We have removed the Required Asterisk appearing on product page product options
    – config.json
    – assets\scss\components\foundation\forms\_forms.scss
    – Templates\components\common\requireness-msg.html
  • We have made active category link bold on category page side navigation
    – noble.scss
    – sidebar.html
  • We have made the Reviews link open the reviews on the product page
    – custom.js
  • We have added the OG property and used it with Product ID as a value
    – templates/layout/base.html
  • We have made changes to allow more control over the form input fields throughout the theme
    – config.json
    – assets\scss\components\stencil\productView\_productView.scss
    – assets\scss\components\citadel\forms\_forms.scss
  • We have made adjustments to the scripting that allows the page to scroll more smoothly on desktop and mobile
    – assets\js\theme\custom\custom.js
  • We’ve corrected the issue with product cards only showing swatch options on the first 50 products
    – templates\components\products\card.html
  • We’ve removed the caps lock on several elements on the homepage giving the theme a more versatile design
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
  • We’ve made the images clickable links on the side by side homepage banners
    – templates\components\custom\homepage-sidebyside-banners-section.html
  • We’ve removed the “View All” link from the categories column
    – templates\components\common\footer.html
  • The issue with the current year and store name enable/disable checkbox on the “Powered by BigCommerce” text line has been corrected
    – templates\components\common\footer.html
  • We have adjusted the main navigation settings to allow more categories to be shown when the “Logo Center Stacked” and “Logo Center Stacked with Social” settings are active
    – templates\components\common\navigation-menu.html
  • We’ve  made changes regarding intermittent issue of carousel text not loading on homepage
    – assets\js\theme\custom\custom.js
    – assets\scss\components\stencil\heroCarousel\_heroCarousel.scss
  • We’ve adjusted the text logo to allow more characters to be seen on mobile views
    – stencil\assets\scss\layouts\header\_noble_header.scss
    – config.json
  • We’ve fix the intermittent issue of carousel text not loading
    – assets\js\theme\custom\custom.js
    – config.json
  • We adjusted the timing of the animations of the homepage
    – templates\components\custom\homepage-text-section.html
  • We’ve corrected the homepage hero carousel color settings when transparent content background is checked
    – assets\scss\components\stencil\heroCarousel\_heroCarousel.scss
  • We’ve hidden the low stock call to action text on the product page when a product is out of stock
    – templates\components\products\add-to-cart.html
  • We have created an option to show 1 or 2 product per row on mobile screens.
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
    – schema.json
    – schemaTranslations.json
    – config.json
    – templates\components\brand\product-listing.html
    – templates\components\category\product-listing.html
    – templates\components\search\product-listing.html
    – templates\components\products\featured.html
    – templates\components\products\new.html
    – templates\components\products\top.html
    – templates\components\products\carousel.html
  • We’ve opened the product description tab on the product page by default
    – templates\components\products\description.html
  • We’ve made it easier to get to from the main navigation Shop link to the megamenu on hover
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
    – assets\js\theme\custom\custom.js
    – assets\scss\components\stencil\navPages\_noble_navPages.scss
  • We’ve fixed the issues with logo size and position not adhering to the selected settings
    – assets\scss\layouts\header\_noble_header.scss
    – assets\js\theme\global\quick-search.js
  • We’ve styled the blog page to make it look more aligned and easier to read
    – assets\scss\layouts\blog\_blog.scss
    – templates\pages\blog.html
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
    – assets\scss\components\foundation\pagination\_pagination.scss
    – schemaTranslations.json
    – schema.json
    – config.json
    – templates\components\blog\post.html
    – templates\components\custom\homepage-recent-blogs.html
  • We’ve added an option to add fade in animations to the homepage to create a more dynamic user experience on page load
    – schemaTranslations.json
    – schema.json
    – config.json
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
    – templates\components\custom\homepage-sidebyside-banners-section.html
    – templates\components\custom\homepage-categories-section.html
    – templates\components\custom\homepage-horizontal-banners.html
    – templates\components\custom\homepage-recent-blogs.html
    – templates\components\common\header.html
    – templates\layout\base.html
    – assets\js\theme\custom\custom.js
    – templates\components\carousel.html
    – templates\components\custom\homepage-parallax-banner.html
    – assets\scss\components\stencil\heroCarousel\_heroCarousel.scss
    – assets\scss\components\foundation\tabs\_tabs.scss
    – templates\components\custom\homepage-products-section.html
    – templates\components\custom\homepage-text-section.html
    – assets\scss\layouts\header\_noble_header.scss
    – assets\scss\layouts\footer\_footer.scss
  • We’ve made the logo bigger for mobile
    – assets\scss\layouts\header\_header.scss
    – assets\scss\layouts\header\_noble_header.scss
    – config.json
    – assets\scss\components\stencil\navPages\_noble_navPages.scss
    – assets\scss\components\stencil\navUser\_noble_navUser.scss
    – templates\components\common\header.html
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
  • We’ve made the blog posts image size smaller to cut down on page load time and not overwhelm the viewer
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
  • We’ve made the product video’s smaller on the product page
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
    – assets\scss\components\stencil\videoGallery\_videoGallery.scss
    – templates\components\products\videos.html
  • We’ve added zoom animation to all homepage featured banners to keep a consistent feel throughout the homepage
    – assets\scss\noble.scss
    – config.json
  • We’ve made product options viewable from the category pages without having product filters enabled
    – assets\js\theme\category.js
  • We’ve hidden the shop link when no categories are present in the mega navigation
    – assets\scss\components\stencil\navPages\_noble_navPages.scss
    – templates\components\custom\custom-navigation-dropdown.html
    – templates\components\common\navigation-menu.html